Reliable One Stop Supplier Of Custom Industrial Components & Assemblies
Best Quality in Class Products
Best Quality in Class Products
High Precision Hardware Parts Manufacturer
High Precision Hardware Parts Manufacturer
Our Solution for Automation
Our Solution for Automation
Why make your parts with INFA ?

Competitive pricing and end-to-end support are just the start. See the difference of working with a true manufacturing partner.

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Our customers include

End-to-end support.

That’s the INFA difference.

We don’t just make your prototypes or production parts. We partner with you at every step — from concept to fulfillment — to make them better. When you work with INFA, you have access to a team of experts that care about your project as much as you do.
  • Account Executive
    Your resource for quoting, scoping, and launching your project.
    Account Executive
  • Development Engineer
    Your innovation expert, brings your product concepts to life with the latest digital design and manufacturing technology.
    Development Engineer
  • Customer Manager
    Your primary point of contact once your order kicks off, understands what success means to you and coordinates every detail of your project to achieve that outcome.
    Customer Manager
  • Customer Application Engineer
    Your go-to technical guide, provides engineering support and expertise throughout your project to ensure your parts meet your expectations.
    Customer Application Engineer
  • Supply Chain Manager
    Your sourcing and logistics expert, coordinates across our manufacturing network to get you the right parts at the right price on time.
    Supply Chain Manager
  • Quality Engineer
    Your resource for part and process compliance, develops a quality plan to ensure your project meets specification.
    Quality Engineer

We’re built to scale with your business

At INFA, you get the agility of a small company, backed by the global infrastructure of a Fortune 500.
  • Agility

    The World Economic Forum recognized INFA as one of the most innovative factories in existence today because of our digital thread approach to manufacturing.

  • Global Infrastructure
    Global Infrastructure
    INFA created a global network of production partners and logistics hubs to ensure support of your manufacturing needs, powered by our strategic partnership with UPS®.
  • Let's make your parts. Right now.
    Let's make your parts. Right now.

    Kick off production of your parts faster than ever with our easy-to-use online quoting.